Mo had gone shopping for his toiletries to Tesco and in his
words “mama there were these hooligans on the street; one was riding a
motorbike and tried to hit the other on his face. They were making a lot of
noise and then one of them called me a midget”. Apprehensively I asked Mo “what did you do,
were you scared?” to which he replied, yes I was scared but I went into Tesco,
bought my body soap and when I came out they were still there but I just walked
back to school”. Infuriated at the goons behaviour and hurt for my son I asked
Mo whether he would like to be shadowed again into town. Quite honestly I was
hoping he would say exactly what he did which was, “ Not at all!” Suddenly the hooligans
became transformed into pathetic little mice and my Mo became the lion king of
The point of sharing the above anecdote is this: when you
raise your children to be proud, self- respecting individuals mindful of their
weaknesses and cognizant of their strengths, you are in fact empowering them
with the confidence that you have passed onto them as loving and validating
parents. Despite Mo’s enormous challenges, he has the spirit of an angel and
the will of a fighter. Had he been sidelined, pitied and underestimated would
he have coped so well with the aforementioned event? By all measures he should
at least have been somewhat shaken! But when I spoke to Mo the day after the
incident it was as if he didn’t give a hoot. In fact I was told by his staff
that he had been singing through the weekend. Bravo Mo, keep on believing in yourself, we are with you!
bravo mo and bravo huma for giving this strengrh to him